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Prof. Dong-An WANG
发布时间2013-10-22 09:46:37     作者:

Wang Dongan

Associate Chair (Graduate Studies), School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

Assoc Professor

Division of Bioengineering

School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

College of Engineering

Email: DAWANG@ntu.edu.sg

Phone: (+65)6316 8890

Office: N1.3-B2-13


PhD Zhejiang University 2001

BS Zhejiang University 1997


Assistant Professor Wang Dongan is currently in the School of Chemical & Biomedical Engineering since 2005. He received both his Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees in Polymeric Biomaterials from Zhejiang University, China. His research interests include biomaterials, tissue engineering, and gene delivery. He has done significant research work in his research areas and published over 30 high quality journal papers. He has been often invited as a referee and reviewer for a number of journals, including Biomaterials, Biomacromolecules, JBMR-A&B, Pharmaceutical Research, etc.

Research Interests

Assistant Professor Wang Dongan's research interests include: (1) Functional biomaterials for tissue engineering; (2) Stem cells for engineered tissue regeneration; (3) Gene delivery for engineered tissue regeneration; and (4) Tissue-biomaterial integration.

Research Grant

Academic Research Fund Tier 1 (2013-) [by MOE]

Academic Research Fund Tier 2 (2013-) [by MOE]

National Medical Research Council (2010-2013) [by National Medical Research Council (NMRC)]

Seed Funding (2013-) [by College of Engineering]

Current Projects

Colony forming liver regeneration mediated in an injectable cell-laden hydrogel based phase transfer cell culture system

Preclinical Study of A Living Hyaline Cartilage Graft for Joint Repair

Three dimensional culture and development of iPS cells for applied hepatogenesis and pancreatic regeneration

Versatile Cartilage Graft for Arthritic Therapy: Anti-inflammation & Regeneration

Selected Publications

Hao, J. H., Yao, Y. C., Varshney, R. R., Wang, L. C., Prakash, C., Li, H., Wang, D. A. (2008). Gene Transfer and Living Release of Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 3 for Cartilage Tissue Engineering Applications. Tissue Engineering, .

Hao, J. H., Varshney, R. R., Wang, D. A. (2008). TGF-beta3: A Promising Growth Factor in Engineered Organogenesis. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy, 8(10), 1485-1893.

Wang, C. M., Bai, J., Gong, Y. H., Zhang, F., Shen, J. B., Wang, D. A. (2008). Enhancing Cell Affinity of Non-Adhesive Hydrogel Substrate: The Role of Silica Hybridization. Biotechnology Progress, .

Wang, C. M., Hao, J. H., Zhang, F., Su, K., Wang, D. A. (2008). RNA extraction from polysaccharide-based cell-laden hydrogel scaffold. Analytical Biochemistry, 380(2), 333-334.

Wang, C. M., Gong, Y. H., Lin, Y. M., Shen, J. B., Wang, D. A. (2008). A Novel Gellan Gel-Based Microcarrier for Anchorage-Dependent Cell Delivery. Acta Biomaterialia, 4(5), 1226-1234.